How Cardboard Recycling Works: A Step-By-Step Guide

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Did you know that cardboard is one of the most commonly recycled materials in the world? Cardboard, with its versatility, finds utility across a wide range of applications, spanning from shipping boxes to cereal boxes and beyond. Its flexibility and adaptability make it an indispensable material for diverse purposes. But have you ever wondered what happens to your cardboard after you throw it in the recycling bin? How does the cardboard recycling process work? 


The initial stage of the cardboard recycling process involves collection. Once you place your cardboard in the recycling bin, it is picked up by a waste management company or municipal recycling program. The cardboard is then transported to a sorting facility, where it is separated from other materials like plastic and glass.


After the cardboard has been collected, it is sorted into different grades based on its quality and thickness. This is important because it determines how the cardboard will be recycled. Thicker and superior-quality cardboard is frequently repurposed to create fresh cardboard boxes, whereas lower-grade cardboard finds its purpose in manufacturing paper products such as tissues and paper towels.


Once the cardboard has been sorted, it undergoes shredding into smaller pieces. This not only facilitates transportation but also streamlines the processing procedures. The shredded cardboard is then pulped, or mixed with water, until it becomes a slurry.


Once the slurry is formed, it undergoes a carefully orchestrated process. Firstly, it is subjected to heat and diligently mixed with specific chemicals. This meticulous combination breaks down the cardboard fibers and effectively eliminates any ink or glue residues that may be present. As a result of this intricate procedure, a versatile pulp is obtained. This pulp can subsequently be utilized to craft an array of new and sustainable cardboard or paper products, showcasing the remarkable recycling potential of this innovative method.

Final Processing

After the cardboard has been repulped, it is cleaned and refined to remove any remaining impurities. Afterward, the pulp undergoes a drying process and is subsequently rolled into sheets. These sheets serve as versatile materials for creating new cardboard boxes and various other paper products.

And there you have it, a step-by-step guide to cardboard recycling. By recycling your cardboard, you're not only contributing to waste reduction and the conservation of natural resources but also supporting the creation of new, reusable products. So, the next time you empty a cereal box, consider it as more than just trash — it's a valuable resource that can be transformed into something novel and meaningful. 

For more info about cardboard recycling services, contact a local company. 
